Valeria Clement Caicedo

Valeria Clement Caicedo

Valeria studied Industrial Engineering in Colombia and after working for the industry 3 years, she decided to come to Germany to pursue her MBA at the University of Leipzig. She joined Spinlab 4 years ago and now manages the Spinlabstartups acceleration program.

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6 min read

How to Quantify Your Product Market Fit

By Valeria Clement Caicedo on 30 November 2021

​​Dear reader please note this is NOT a regular product market fit blog article. Here we neither explain you what Product Market Fit is (we already did in our Product Marktet fit and your startup: 7 things you need to know blog nor will we repeat you that a bad product market fit is the reason #1 why startups fail. With this article we want to introduce you to a methodology to quantify your product market fit.

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