1 min read

Rhebo and Laviu - award-winning startups at SpinLab

Sep 20, 2016 2:18:16 PM

20th Sep 2016

Laviu and Rhebo, who participated in our second SpinLab class, continue the great row of awards that SpinLab startups won in the past. While Laviu received the 3rd place in the prestigious FutureSax competition, Rhebo even made it to the second place. Besides a lot of attention from both politics and industry, both founding teams will get a price money of 5.000 Euro (Laviu) respectively 10000 Euro (Rhebo). The Saxonian Minister for Economy, Labor and Transportation Martin Dulig congratulated personally.

These awards are number 11 and 12 for SpinLab startups, since Sensape, Conbox, Ekoio, knowhere and vizzlo also received different awards during or after their time at SpinLab.



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